Day 58
There were bold moves made yesterday morning ..
Day 57
Our day started in Beggar Bog and ended just beyond Shitlington Hall ..
Day 56
The lazy day’s rest at Greenhead Hotel, plus lucking out ..
Day 55
It was the cruisiest of cruisy days yesterday ..
Day 54
While the sun was shining as we left Garrigill, it was still only 4 degrees ..
Day 53
Yesterday was a big day ..
Day 52
Yesterday started in County Durham and ended in Cumbria ..
Day 51
It was just a short hop, skip and a jump today ..
Day 50
The barman summed it up when he looked at the three of us and said, ‘I knew you lot were going to be trouble’ ..
Day 49
It was another short day today …
Day 48
I completely fell in love with Hawes and ..
Day 47
The Red Tops ‘Phew what a scorcher’ of yesterday was replaced with a return to ..